Saturday, March 22, 2014

Making food appear

Munchery - San Francisco Delivery, East Bay Delivery, Peninsula Delivery, and North Bay Delivery | Munchery:

Some low carb &/or organic/healthy meals

these look pretty good

most of these look pretty good, some have 30 carbs or so

low carb and generally claim to be healthy but I don’t see “organic” plastered all over like the other ones…
Oh, maybe they do, “we try wherever possible to use organic and natural products in our entrees and side dishes.”

And here is some general low carb stuff, not sure how healthy it really is…


'via Blog this'

Monday, March 03, 2014

The Big Five

Five dimensional personality test, which seems to be well founded in modern psychology.

I'm a O70-C74-E18-A74-N1 Big Five!!

O is openness to new ideas/experiences
C is conscientiousness
E is extrovert vs introvert
A is agreeableness
N is neuroticism

I scored at the extreme for "calmness" vs neuroticism, no real surprise.

Quite high on openness, conscientiousness and agreeableness and pretty far tilted towards introvert vs extravert.  No one who knows me will be very shocked, though a lot of people call me extraverted.  I do tend to like people, but love my alone time.  I guess I'm a gregarious and not shy introvert, which seems like a good thing to me.

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