Monday, February 14, 2005

Custom Golf Clubs by Pinemeadow Golf - Factory Direct to You
OK, want some nice clubs for much less than you would spend at the pro shop?
The New Yorker: Online Only
I am saddened by the realization that my beloved country is now actively promoting a policy of torture. We strongly support several other nations which are known to engage in torture, e.g. Egypt, and appear to use their "security forces" for torture when convenient. Euphemistically known as "extraordinary rendition".

Primary documents are available at the above link, including correspondence between John Yoo & William Taft, and between Taft and Gonzales.

See also Peter Brooks' deconstruction of the Bybee memo.

The United States used to hold moral high ground. This administration has squandered that, and set us back at best generations; at worst, permanently.

Defending this country & providing security for Americans is an essential role of the government. But using that goal as a pretext for abuse is indefensible.
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Friday, February 11, 2005 - Learn Japanese for FREE -- How to Wow! with language, culture, kanji, and grammar
If you are interested in Japanese. It's a remarkably challenging language, substantially due to the following:
- there are only a few syllables, and very little spoken inflection, thus the beginner hears a lot of ambiguity and it's hard to parse
- there are two "alphabets" (plus some other ways of writing)
- there are about 2000 pictograms (kanji) which typically have more than one pronunciation & meaning each

Pronunciation isn't all that hard. Basic grammar is pretty easy as well, so it's not very difficult to get to where you can communicate a little bit.