Saturday, June 06, 2020

The marketing flywheel

I’m past this but if I were young and ambitious I would take the flywheel concept to heart and build sustaining systems.

Thursday, June 04, 2020

Policing in America

What has gone so horribly wrong and can the situation be repaired?

Evidence and data  often lose out to political considerations.

Crime has been falling but incarceration and frankly brutality are increasing.
Taibbi has some thoughts.

the Marshall project  curates articles on criminal “justice”.  Radley Balko has been on the beat for a decade and has great reporting and insights.  His blog, The Agitator, seems to be gone but he writes prolifically.

I’m saddened to see the devolution of so many institutions.
Health care
Legal system 
Postal service 
Politics in the era of citizens United (though that just codified existing practice...)

Privatization of public goods everywhere
Winner take all

Wednesday, June 03, 2020