Sunday, March 24, 2024

Climate news is bleak

how doomed are we?

The global increase in temperature is the simplest and most predictable dimension of climate change. It is also the one that scares me the most, partly because the direction of change is so certain and partly because heat is such a persistent and widespread hazard. For the large proportion of the world where it’s already hot during some or all of the year, just a couple of degrees of warming will cause great societal harm. In places with cooler climates, such as much of Europe, severe heatwaves can sometimes be even more deadly, because people there are less accustomed to heat1.

Friday, March 01, 2024

Why is there no trust?

Kyla Scanlon  has a great essay.

We live with the expectation that words mean very little, because we have seen it all before, heard it all before.
“The fastest growing sector of the culture economy is distraction… But it’s not art or entertainment, just ceaseless activity” as Ted Goia described it.