Saturday, January 28, 2012

Are Your Passwords Putting You In Danger? | Time Management Ninja

Are Your Passwords Putting You In Danger? | Time Management Ninja

You may need better passwords if you…

- Use the Same Password for Multiple Accounts – Do you have 1 password that you use across all your accounts? If someone gets your password, can they get into all of your accounts?

- Use Simple Words or Your Kids’ Names - Is your password, “PlayGolf2011?” Or, “SamMaryKatie?” These passwords make your account much easier to crack.

- Never Change Them – How long has your online banking password been the same? Change it at least once a year. Every six months is better.

- Store Them in Unsafe Places – Do you “hide” your passwords in easy to find places? In a Word doc called, “passwords?” Under your keyboard at work? Or taped to your laptop?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

So You Think You Have a Power Law — Well Isn't That Special?

So You Think You Have a Power Law — Well Isn't That Special?

Regular readers who care about such things — I think there are about three of you — will recall that I have long had a thing about just how unsound many of the claims for the presence of power law distributions in real data are, especially those made by theoretical physicists, who, with some honorable exceptions, learn nothing about data analysis. (I certainly didn't.) I have even whined about how I should really be working on a paper about how to do all this right, rather than merely snarking in a weblog. As evidence that the age of wonders is not passed — and, more relevantly, that I have productive collaborators — this paper is now loosed upon the world
The paper is deliberately aimed at physicists, so we assume some things that they know (like some of the mechanisms, e.g. critical fluctuations, which can lead to power laws), and devote extra detail to things they don't but which e.g. statisticians do know (such as how to find the cumulative distribution function of a standard Gaussian).

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Infinite Rooms � Modeled Behavior

Infinite Rooms � Modeled Behavior
one of the principle tricks your brain exploits is monocular parallax. That is, not two different images in two eyes, but different images as the head moves. This makes head tracking a must for true 3D.

the holodeck...