Wednesday, February 17, 2021

How did we get here?

And where are we going?

US centric. Looking from the perspective of civilizations rise and fall over all of human history.  Takes a view that it’s really all about energy.

Collapse, Jared Diamond’s lucid book, covers similar territory 

Adam Curtis has a documentary on BBC iplayer  following up his hyper normalization
I don’t know how to view it yet but the Guardian review is sobering.

I’ve linked before to Ian Welsh’s   political analysis

Long arc of history reveals a lot of multi century civilizations that have eventually collapsed.  Are we next?

I am generally a happy and optimistic person and I suppose I’m optimistic that “in the long run” (some) people will live good lives, but it seems like the next 50 years or so are destined to be a time of decay and continuing crapification.

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